Shop tour in Istanb > 대외협력

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Shop tour in Istanb

작성자turkishoppingSe… 작성일/24-10-17


Dear fashionistas and fashionistas! We invite you to an unforgettable trip to Istanbul, a city where Eastern traditions and Western style merge. In this amazing city, you can update your wardrobe with luxurious fur coats and sheepskin coats from the best manufacturers! Our tour includes visits to famous markets and boutiques, where you will find not only high quality, but also exclusive models at competitive prices. We will help you make the right choice, tell you about the latest fashion trends and tell you how to choose the perfect fur thing. In addition to shopping, you can enjoy the unsurpassed culture of Istanbul: excursions to historical sites, flexible schedules and delicious local cuisine — all this will make your trip unforgettable. Don't miss the chance to update your wardrobe while enjoying the unique atmosphere of this magical city! We are waiting for you at the start of our unforgettable adventure in Istanbul! The best gift for a beloved woman is a fur coat The best gift for a The best gift for a beloved woman is a fur coat 073ea62


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